Lithium-ion Safety Draws Increasing Attention
Following the publication of MGN 681 on Fire safety and storage of small electric powered craft on yachts in June 2023, the issue of Li-ion battery equipment on vessels is now becoming the focus of attention in the maritime industry at large. This has been reflected in the new guidance “Carriage of Electric Vehicles with Lithium-Ion Batteries – Information for Masters and crew” issued to the industry by the UK’s Chamber of Shipping in November 2023.
Among other specific areas, the guidance highlights such points as the difference of lithium-ion batteries from other types, the ways to reduce fire and explosion risk, and the means to protect crew, passengers, and vessel. These and some other aspects are covered in Seascope France’s new course Lithium-ion Battery Safety Awareness on Superyachts which is now available online through VIRSEC learning platform.
To promote the awareness of li-ion battery risks on yachts, Seascope France is currently offering 10% discount on the online course for the first 50 customers, and has designed special onboard training offers for crew. For more information, please contact us directly.
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