STCW Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
STCW Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-VI/1) is a part of mandatory STCW Basic Safety Training and STCW Refresher courses. This training has both theoretical and practical sides to it and is also known as sea survival course. Students learn about different types of emergencies at sea, principles of survival, life-saving appliances etc.
What you need to know
- Place: Antibes
- Duration: 1 day
- Price: 280 euros
- Pre-requisites: good level of English; physical fitness; comfortable in the water.
About the course
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW95 Table AVI/1-1 and is part of the mandatory training for seafarers. It provides students with the knowledge and practical skills required in the event of an emergency at sea along with the necessary steps to take in order to ensure survival.
Personal Survival Techniques covers both theoretical work and practical elements. The practical session includes a two-hour drill in the water for students to acquire proficiency in the following skills:
- The correct use of an inflatable life raft
- Launching
- Boarding
- Capsizing drills
- How to safely abandon ship
- How to swim while wearing a life jacket
- Other types of lifesaving appliances
We provide survival immersion suits for all students to wear during this course in order to emulate a real-life situation. We also have our life raft professionally packed so students will understand how to deploy a life raft from its canister.
Please note: This is quite a physically demanding course, therefore any medical condition you have must be brought to our attention prior to booking.
This course is governed under new regulations STCW78 as amended.
Upon successful completion of the courses, course participants are awarded with an STCW Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques, which will require revalidation in 5 years' time. This certificate is usually updated together with STCW Proficency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, the two being STCW Refresher (Updated Proficiency) course.
- Do I need to bring any equipment for the course?
You will need to bring swimwear, a towel, a T-shirt, shorts, and drinking water. We will provide you with the rest.