Upcoming Crew Training in February
February is around the corner, and with no further delay we sum up what’s coming next with Seascope France.
We’ll start the month with an STCW Basic Safety training course (5 – 9 February), which is almost full – we’ve got only 1 place left. The next course is scheduled on the 29th February – 1st of March, and couple of spots are still available.
One last place left on the STCW Refresher (Updated Proficiency) course. The training will happen on the 8th – 9th of February. Hurry up and book it now if your STCW certificates are about to expire! Next Refresher course is on the 29th of February & 1st of March.
February marks the re-opening of Powerboat season, and some of the dates are now fully booked out. There’s one last spot left on 22-23 February 2024.
Haven’t thought yet of a St. Valentine’s gift?! Along with the Powerboat Level 2 course comes PWC/Jet Ski License course which is scheduled right on the 14th of February. Give your loved ones exciting experience!
Great news for those who’s been hunting for YM ticket! A spot has freed up on our RYA Yachtmaster Offshore training with the Shorebased Theory course starting on the 28th of February. If you haven’t heard yet, now to apply for OOW CoC you must present YM Theory Certificate of Completion which can only be obtained through an invigilated classroom exam.
Haven’t found the training you need? Reach out to training@seascopefrance.com, and we’ll do our best to help you!
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