RYA Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal Package (Motor)
The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package is an advanced course for experienced seamen who have already acquired theoretical knowledge at Day Skipper standard. The package includes both Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory and Practical Preparation courses and runs over ten days with the RYA exam on the last day.
What you need to know
Place: Golfe-Juan, South of France
Price: 2350 euros (excluding SRC Exam fee £70 + RYA exam fee £241 ( paid directly to the RYA)
The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package requires minimum sea time in tidal and non-tidal waters. This qualification is a stepping stone towards a career on the water.
To be elligible for the course, candidates must:
1. Be at least 18 years old.
2. Hold a VHF Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (the course can be complete as a part of the package)
3. Have sea time required: 2,500 NM*. Half of this sea time must be in tidal waters (outside of the Mediterranean) and include at least five passages over 60 miles with two passages acting as a skipper and two overnight passages. A minimum of 50 days at sea is required.
4. Have a valid First Aid certificate (STCW 95 or other recognised certificate; the course must be completed in a classroom; online Elementary First Aid certificates are not accepted)
5. To obtain your license commercially endorsed, you will need you take your PPR online course.
Full information on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam PRE-REQUISITES are to be found on the RYA official website: RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam
About the course
The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package includes the following courses:
An in-depth advanced training that covers the questions of meteorology and interpretation of forecasts, fixing positions, navigation in restricted visibility, offshore navigation, pilotage, use of almanacs and admiralty publications etc.
- Yachtmaster Practical Preparation (4 days) & Exam (1 or 2 days)
The course covers all practical aspects of the Yachtmaster Offshore syllabus including night passaging, engineering, safety equipment and manoeuvres.
To obtain your license commercially endorsed, you will need you complete PPR Course.