STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)
STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (STCW A-VI/6-1) is a course required to be completed by seafarers in order to enhance the ship security and meet the requirements set out in Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code, and section A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code, as amended.
Seascope France offers STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) training as a part of STCW Basic Safety Training.
What you need to know
All our courses are conducted in English.
Place: Antibes
Duration: 0.5 days
Price: 180 euros
About the course
The Proficiency in Security Awareness course is designed to meet the requirements for training as set out in the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), and the guidance laid out in the SOLAS Regulations 1974. The Ship Security Officer position was formalised under the regulations listed above and the training has become mandatory for new and existing crew unless they already hold SSO or CSO license.
The course runs for half a day and covers:
- ISPS Code Background & Introduction
- Maritime Security Threats
- ISPS Duties & Responsibilities
- Maritime Security Levels
- The Ship Security Assessment
- Security Verification & Certification
- Interaction with Vessels, Authorities & Ports
- Training, Drills & Exercises
- Suspicious Persons & Behaviour & Circumvention of Security
- Weapons & Explosives
By completing the Proficiency in Security Awareness you will gain necessary knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for personnel intending to work on ships who will not have any designated security duties.