RYA Shorebased Yachtmaster Theory (Classroom)
The RYA Yachtmaster qualification requires extensive theoretical knowledge in navigation including collision regulations, meteorology, passage planning etc. The RYA Shorebased Yachtmaster Theory course is a vital step for candidates seeking to complete Yachtmaster Practical and Offshore Exam and obtain RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence for commercial endorsement to work at sea.
What you need to know
Place: Golfe-Juan / South of France
Pre-requisites: Day Skipper Theory course is strongly recommended.
Duration: 5 days
Price: 750 euros
About the course
The classroom-based RYA Shorebased Yachtmaster theory builds upon knowledge gained from RYA Day Skipper training. It's an in-depth advanced training that covers the questions of:
- meteorology and interpretation of forecasts
- fixing positions
- navigation in restricted visibility
- offshore navigation
- pilotage
- use of almanacs and admiralty publications etc.
The course is recommended for experienced yachtsmen who wish to consolidate their navigational skills.