STCW Refresher (Fire & PST)
STCW Refresher course is a 2-day training comprised of two modules – Updated Proficiency in Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (FF FP) and Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (PST), as per 2010 STCW requirements. This course is mandatory every 5 years upon completion of STCW Basic Safety Training.
What you need to know
All our courses are conducted in English.
Place: 555 Avenue Jules Grec, Antibes 06600 / Contes (Fire Practical)
Pre-requisites: Candidates must be over 18 years old and in possession of existing STCW Basic Safety training certificates.
Duration: 2 days
Price: 580 euros
About the course
STCW Basic Refresher training is a 2-day long course comprised of two modules:
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting includes learning the risks of fire, ways of fire prevention, responding to emergencies, the use of fire-fighting equipment and fire extinguishing techniques. The course includes practical sessions at our fire ground. Students will be provided with all the necessary equipment for their training as well as transportation to the fire ground located on the premises of the local fire station of Contes, north of Nice.
Personal Survival Techniques addresses the principals of survival at sea, use of lifejackets and life-rafts, life-raft management and search and rescue training. The course includes a practical session in the pool, whereby each student will be provided with an immersion suit to wear.
This course is governed under new regulations STCW78 as amended and is required for commercial maritime seafarers who already hold the STCW Basic Safety Training certificates and require updated STCW certification in accordance with the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments.
Course schedule
The 2-day course involves practical fire prevention and fire fighting and sea survival training.
Fire Day (07.00 am - 06 pm): Our fire ground equipped with a ship simulator for hands-on experience is located in Contes, around 25 mins drive from Antibes. The fire practical day starts at 7.00 am with a pick-up from Antibes if transportation is required and finishes at around 6 pm (return time). We recommend that trainees should have drinking water and packed lunch, comfortable socks to wear fireboots, and wear some old clothes, as with real fires they might get a bit dirty and smelly.
Sea Survival Day (09.00 - 16.30): The course starts at Seascope's STCW classroom (555 avenue Jules Grec 06600 Antibes) at 9.00 am; in most cases, the practical part is carried out at the Stade Nautique d'Antibes (210 avenue Jules Grec) and finishes around 4 pm.
Any changes to the schedule are communicated to the trainees one week before the start of the course.
Training certificates are delivered on the day of your completion of the training. Assessment for the course is continuous; full attendance to the course is required to complete the course and receive training certificates.
The certificates have an issue date, and it is the seafarer's duty to bear in mind that they should be updated in 5 years' time.